Monday, 26 April 2010

Sic Alps

Tall Firs' Aaron Mullan on Sic Alps:

"It's a real casual shredfest when these fellas are on the stage. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of who is playing what instrument or what amp is broken at any given minute. Talk to 'em after the show and you'll be like 'Dudes, you TORE IT UP!' and they'll be like 'All our stuff was stolen last night but somebody lent us this chunk of wood with some strings on it. Thanks.' They are from S.F. so they are real chill to hang out with. Just walk around with a spare beer in case you run into one of them. Hand over the brew and I'm sure they'll chat for a while. I mean, would Mark Ibold wear a Sic Alps shirt 3 days a week if these guys were dicks? No way.


Sic Alps play The Deaf Institute on 13th May, just after supporting Pavement at their London shows and just before playing ATP. They will be joined by the excellent Irma Vep, Waiters & The Dinner Party. Tickets available HERE.

Tall Firs are a super band on Thurston Moore's Ecstatic Peace label, we were very happy to welcome them to The Deaf Institute last year when they played with Stephen Malkmus, extremely nice people they are too.

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